Welcome to the
Regina Summer Sand Volleyball League
The Regina Summer Sand Volleyball League is an adult recreational beach volleyball league played at the Regina Rugby Club.
Registration For 2024
Registration for the 2024 RSSVL season will be done through the TeamLinkt website. Pre registration for returning teams has ended and new teams can now register for the remaining spots on the remaining nights. Registration will only remain open for a few more days so that we have time to complete all schedules before we start playing on the 26th.
We are limited to 30 teams each night so do not wait too long to register your team. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are sixes and Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday are fours. We run 12 weeks of play from late May to late August at the Rugby Club.
These links are for TEAM CAPTAINS
Sunday - https://app.teamlinkt.com/register/go/rssvl/59069 Please email: ghellquist@accesscomm.ca
Monday -This night is full!
Tuesday -This night is full!
Wednesday - This night is full!
Thursday - https://app.teamlinkt.com/register/go/rssvl/59068 - Closed
Friday - https://app.teamlinkt.com/register/go/rssvl/59066 - Closed
You will also need a code at the beginning of the process. The code is 2024.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday sixes are $430 plus a small TL transaction fee plus a (approx.) $10 registration fee for the captain.
Tuesday and Thursday will cost $350 plus a small TL transaction fee plus a (approx.) $10 registration fee for the captain.
Sunday is on SALE for $250 plus a small TL transaction fee plus a (approx.) $10 registration fee for the captain.
Individual registration will be done after a team is registered and can be done at a later time. Your captain will have to provide you a team code after they register the team.
This link is for all adult beach memberships, EVERYONE needs to register as a player and get insured. There is an approximate charge of $10 to get registered.
There are lots of spots available on Friday and Sunday but spots on the other nights are limited and will be offered to the teams that sign up first. We would need at least 6 teams on any night to consider running that night.
We start soon (end of May or first week of June) and we play on 10 courts located at the Rugby Club in south Regina.
See you soon!
The 2024 season starts May 26th!